Thursday, June 11, 2015

Women and Gender in Islam

Women and Gender in Islam
(Alimah Sobia Hasan)
Are men and women equal in Islam?
Men and women are not equal to each other. Men are not superior to women, women are not inferior to men.
Women and men are mutually superior to each other.
They have the same spiritual potential and same opportunity to gain knowledge of deen and dunya in Islam. Men and women both can become scholars of all the sciences of deen, and become close to Allah (wali of Allah).
The purpose of life is to worship Allah.
Allah has placed a division of labour in dunya. This does not mean that Allah wishes to deprive women.

Are men guardians over women?
Men are caretakers of women 4:34
Qawwamoon=caretaker, guardian
There will always be more barakah in following the advice of the husband and the father.

Inheritance: do women get half as much as men?
Three types of cases:
  1. Woman gets half as much as a man
  2. Equal shares
  3. Woman gets twice as much as a man
verse 4:11
A woman is supported by her father or husband. Even if you are a neurosurgeon you have the right to stay home and do nothing the whole day and have your husband provide for you.
A woman’s money in shariah is 100% her own money.
The woman gets mahr when she gets married.
  1. Son/daughter: son gets double compared to daughter because he has to support his parents, wife and children. He has to give mahr. He has to earn.
  2. When deceased leaves behind children and parents, both parents receive equal share (one third).
  3. When a son dies, mother gets ⅓ and father ⅙. If there are only parents left and no children. Because women usually live longer than men, and men earn.
Parents can give children equal amounts by gifting them equal amounts in their lifetime. (You can’t do it on your deathbed.)
You can make a will for up to ⅓ of your wealth, the rest is distributed Islamically.

Testimony of a woman
The greatest testimony a person can give in our deen (after the shahada) is to say that I heard a saying from the Prophet s.a.w.
Testifying in court to a crime or a financial transaction.
To prevent a woman from going to a court of law alone. And to cut unnecessary intergender interaction if there were one man and one woman only as witnesses. The two women can mutually support each other.
Four types of cases:
  1. A woman’s testimony is half (in court, crimes, financial transactions).
  2. A woman’s testimony is equal (for a hadith, for testifying to a will.)
  3. A man’s testimony doesn’t count (childbirth, number of menstruation cycles after divorce, wet nursing).
  4. Only a man can testify

Deen of fitrah
Zeenat (beautification)
Khimar (head cover)
Jilbab (outer garment)
Hijab (literally means barrier)

Lowering the gaze 24:30-31
The cosmetic industry focuses on the face. Concealer, primer, base, dark circle remover, blush-on, contouring brush, different brushes, eye shades, eye liner, eye pencil, eye gel, mascara and neverending!
We have to be honest with ourselves as to what is considered beautiful, when we understand the command to cover our zeenat.
Dress simply, wear sombre colours (of abaya).
Don’t fall for the belief that nobody falls for a girl in hijab or abaya. See what happens in MSAs.
The burial shroud of a man and a woman is different; women’s shroud is more covered.

Khimar: hair cover, chest cover.

Jilbab: Wrapped from head to feet, face and nose covered.

Covering the hands is mustahab, not farz.

State of Ihram
The cloth can’t touch your face in ihram, but you are still supposed to cover your face such that the cloth does not touch your face.

Intergender Interaction
The Prophet s.a.w used to address women on Wednesdays.
It is appropriate to sit in a car with a driver because the windows are see-through and you can exit the car any time (fatwa).
When the purest of women are told to guard themselves against the purest of men, then who are we to say that we do not need to follow these guidelines.
The precautions are necessary for the purity of the hearts.
Do we think we are purer than Amma Ayesha r.a?

Are men allowed to beat their wives?
If men fear “nushuz” from their wives, i.e. disobedience to Allah and to the husband. For example, adultery. “Faizuhunna”, counsel her, admonish her. Then separate your bed from her. Another step not mentioned in the ayah is to call people to reconcile the couple. Finally, hit her. Does this mean husbands are allowed to beat their wives?
The maximum limit is to hit with a miswak, three times.
The Quran is best understood through the example of the Prophet s.a.w.

Impermissible to beat wife out of anger. It is haram.

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